April 06, 2021

The KLOC Paradox

The KLOC paradox goes something like this:

Suppose we count lines of code per day (LOCs, or KLOCs) to measure the productivity of a software engineer:

Then, if programmer A writes 100 lines of code, his productivity is 100 lines of code per hour. Even if this introduces a bug.

If programmer B deletes the 100 lines of code, then his/her productivity is negative. Even if this actually solves the bug...

Guess no-code solves this problem.

N.b. I read this long ago, but I cannot find a simple form online. It was listed together with other software myths such as:

  • the Mongolian horde concept: just throw-in more people to solve any problem, including delays in delivery.
  • the First rule of cyclism: you always run up-hill and against-wind.
  • "We can fill-in the details later".
  • The 95%-ready paradox.

Maybe it was from Pressman (2001). Software Engineering - A Practitioner's Approach.

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